References Overview
Already familiar with Sui? Use these valuable resources to continue your development journey.
Sui API and framework
Reference the Sui framework documentation to understand the Move code that powers the Sui blockchain. The documentation is auto-generated in Markdown and currently hosted on GitHub.
Sui framework
Sui framework reference for the Move packages that power the blockchain.
GraphQL for Sui RPC
GraphQL is a public service for the Sui RPC that enables you to efficiently interact with the Sui network.
Use GraphQL for the Sui RPC for new projects. Use the JSON-RPC reference for legacy projects that have not migrated to GraphQL yet.
Move programming
Move powers smart contract logic for the Sui blockchain. Use these resources to learn Move or refresh your memory.
Move language
Documentation for the Move programming language on GitHub.
Get the details for a Move package manifest.
Get the details of a Move package lock file.
Interact directly with Sui networks and its features using the Sui command line interface (CLI). The CLI is divided into separate base commands that target a specific set of features.
Sui Client CLI
Create a client on a Sui network to generate addresses, access networks, and more with the Sui Client CLI.
Sui Move CLI
Access Sui Move functions on chain using the Sui Move CLI.
Sui Keytool CLI
Utilize various cryptographic tools with the Sui Keytool CLI.
Sui software development kits
Official software development kits (SDKs) available for Sui include the TypeScript SDK and Rust SDK.
Sui TypeScript SDK
The Sui TypeScript SDK has its own microsite. Click this box to go there.
Sui Rust SDK
The Sui Rust SDK provides Rust wrappers around the Sui API. Using the SDK, you can interact with Sui networks using the Rust programming language.